
Stimulating & facilitating innovation is a top priority for the Walloon Region.
Wallonia’s strengths:
- Excellence in academic & clinical research (UCLouvain, ULB, Unamur, Umons, Uliège)
- Global leaders industrial footprint (Catalent, Cenexi, Takeda, IBA, GSK, UCB, Univercells, Janssen, ThermoFisher, Eurogentec Kaneka, Polypeptide)
- Favorable tax environment and R&D incentives
- A highly qualified workforce
- High quality manufacturing facilities & specialised CDMOs
- Funding support for entrepreneurs & startups
- Strong public support: Service public de Wallonie – Wallonia Export & Investment Agency (AWEX)
A few highlights
Life sciences in Belgium
- 45K direct jobs
- 100+ bn euros of exports since 2022
- 5.7 bn euros R&D investments
Life sciences in Wallonia
- 19K direct jobs
- 27% of regional export weight
A network of active members & partners
More than 90% of Wallonia’s established biopharma and health-tech players are part of our network.
BioWin’s network distribution :
industrial companies
service companies & partners
research centres
Technological domain distribution
Our network is active in:
- Biopharmacy (including advanced therapies)
- Medical devices and in vitro diagnostics
- Industrial service companies (CRO, CMO, products & services)
- Radiation applied to health
- Digital health
Our top three therapeutic areas are cancer, immunology, and cardiovascular health.
Our regional impact
Not only does BioWin have a direct impact on the development and distribution of innovative products and services, we also aid in creating societal, economic and environmental impact for the Walloon region.