Analis takes over VOS instrumenten
Analis takes a big step forward by acquiring the Dutch company Vos Instrumenten. With nearly 100 years of experience, Analis offers a wide range of scientific and laboratory equipment with its team of more than 150 employees. The company is highly recognized for its expertise and the quality of its services.
After the establishment of Analis bv in 2018, of Dulis in 2021, a joint venture with the Dutscher Group, the acquisition of the company PL Labo in 2022, the next step is the acquisition of the Dutch company VOS instrumenten.
Analis nv/sa takes over the lab activities of VOS Intrumenten based in Zaltbommel. All employees will join the originally Belgian family business. VOS Instrumenten continues to operate under its own name. The acquisition fits well with the ambition of Analis to strengthen its BENELUX market position as a lab specialist.
VOS Instrumenten, founded by Rob Vos in 1983, has grown to become a broad supplier of laboratory products. However, the current management is lacking a successor. With the acquisition by Analis, the progress and continuity of services is guaranteed.
“Vos has had great prestige in the laboratory market for forty years. Especially in industry and education, the company is well-known. We want to grow further and see an opportunity in education: there we can already introduce students to technology in an effective way. Moreover, through Vos we can also market products under our own label.”
Guarantees for customers and employees
With Analis, VOS Instruments has found a reputable and respected market partner with activities in the BeNeLux. In addition, Analis offers extensive experience in lab technology in the broadest sense and provides good guarantees and future prospects for employees and customers. In the takeover, much value is placed on the proper transition of personnel. The existing customer-employee relationships will be maintained as much as possible.
Active in the Netherlands and Belgium
Vincent Luyckx, CEO of Analis, is pleased with the acquisition: “VOS Instrumenten is known as a qualitative laboratory specialist that customers can count on. Given its activities and area of operation, this acquisition fits well within the growth strategy of Analis as a BeNeLux partner for every lab.”
Contact presse : Eliane HENRI – ANALIS – Tel +32 (0) 498 56 50 34 – [email protected]