Launch of the 2nd call for collective projects Tremplin IA
Launch of the 2nd call for collective projects Tremplin IA
Within the framework of the Enterprise and AI axis of the program, the 2nd call for “collective POC” projects has been launched.
Within the framework of the Enterprise and AI axis of the program, the 2nd call for “collective POC” projects has been launched. It is aimed at Walloon companies wishing to carry out a feasibility study or a POC, involving artificial intelligence technologies and responding to a societal or sectoral issue. This call will be closed on February 15, 2021 at midnight.
Qui peut participer à cet appel et à quelles conditions ? Toute entreprise, petite ou grande, startup ou déjà établie, quel que soit son degré de maturité digitale ou secteur d’activités pourra introduire une demande. Les entités bénéficiaires doivent répondre aux conditions suivantes pour être éligibles:
– Etre localisées en Wallonie (siège social ou un siège d’exploitation). – Répondre aux conditions de participation décrites dans le document de l’appel. – Soumettre un rapport final en fin de projet. – Accepter que les partenaires de valorisent les cas d’usages via leurs canaux de communication.
Who can participate in this call and under what conditions? Any company, large or small, start-up or already established, whatever its degree of digital maturity or sector of activity, can apply. Beneficiary entities must meet the following conditions to be eligible:
– Be located in Wallonia (head office or an operating headquarters). – Meet the participation conditions described in the call document. – Submit a final report at the end of the project. – To accept that the partners of valorize the use cases via their communication channels.
How to participate and what is the deadline for this call? This second call for applications Tremplin IA for collective POCS, whose documents are accessible via the following links, will close on February 15, 2021.
An application file of minimum 5 pages including: the description of the complete project, including the action plan (methodology, tasks to be carried out, deliverables, estimated budget and detailed costs, the goal(s) to be achieved and the desired impact. His application via the registration form.
Find all the information related to this call as well as useful documents via this link.