Science for Health 2024: from innovation to implementation of AI and digitalisation in healthcare
Brussels, Belgium, 4 November 2024 – The Science for Health 2024 event co-organised by BioWin and MEDVIA is taking place on 12 November in Brussels. Healthcare innovators, technology leaders, and policy influencers will be brought together to explore the theme of AI, data, and digitalisation in healthcare. With a forward-looking approach, the event highlights how cutting-edge technology can transform patient care, from diagnostics to personalized treatment plans and beyond. Keynote speakers Yves Moreau (University of Leuven) and Jack Scannell (Etheros Pharmaceuticals) will share their expertise in AI and how it intersects the fields of drug discovery and research and development. Mieke De Ketelaere of the Vlerick Business School will also give a keynote on ethical AI, emphasizing the critical role of responsible development. “It’s important to think about where your technology is going to be used, and by whom,” De Ketelaere notes. “And it needs to happen before you start working on it, not when the system has been activated.”
Belgium’s Collaborative Healthtech Landscape
As co-organizers of Science for Health 2024, MEDVIA and BioWin exemplify the importance of uniting Flanders and Wallonia in advancing healthcare for all citizens. Ann Van Gysel, CEO of MEDVIA, speaks to the urgency of seizing Belgium’s healthtech potential: “We are rich in healthtech innovation, from groundbreaking patient care to advanced medical technologies. But to truly make a global impact, we must foster an entrepreneurial spirit that brings these innovations to life beyond the lab.” Reflecting on regional collaboration, Sylvie Ponchaut, Managing Director of BioWin, adds, “When Belgium’s regions work together, we strengthen our health ecosystem and open new pathways to transformative healthcare solutions. We are investing in our greater community.”
The Science for Health 2024 Program
This year’s program is designed to inspire, educate, and connect professionals across sectors, featuring breakout sessions on drug discovery & development and prevention & diagnostics, and presentations from top minds in AI, healthcare, and policy. Topics being explored include innovative drug discovery tools, patient-centered AI applications, secure data integration in health systems, and the ethical considerations of digital healthcare solutions. Closing the program is a roundtable on the potential of AI in healthcare and R&D, and Belgium’s challenges and opportunities in embracing this transformative technology.
Practical information
Science for Health will take place on 12 November at SQUARE in Brussels. For more information and to register, visit
Science for Health 2024: van innovatie naar implementatie van AI en digitalisering van de gezondheidszorg
Brussel, België, 4 November 2024 – Science for Health (SFH), ondertussen aan zijn vijfde editie, focust dit jaar op artificiele intellegentie (AI), data en digitalisering van de gezondheidszorg. Met inspirerende keynotes zoals Jack Scannell (Etheros Pharmaceuticals en Oxford University) en Mieke De Ketelaere (Vlerick Business School) biedt SFH ook dit jaar een uniek inzicht in hoe deze cutting-edge technologieën patientenzorg en de ontwikkeling van nieuwe geneesmiddelen zullen transformeren. Ondanks het hoge innovatieklimaat, laat implementatie in België op zich wachten. SFH wil ook deze editie pijnpunten van transformerende technologieën blootleggen. Door de Belgische actoren samen te brengen en te connecteren, kunnen we implementatie versnellen.
Science for Health 2024 : de l’innovation à la mise en oeuvre de l’IA et de la numérisation dans les soins de santé
Bruxelles, Belgique, 4 Novembre 2024 – Science for Health (SFH), qui en est à sa cinquième édition, se concentre cette année sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA), les données et la numérisation des soins de santé. Avec des keynotes inspirantes telles que Jack Scannell (Etheros Pharmaceuticals et Oxford University) et Mieke De Ketelaere (Vlerick Business School), SFH offre cette année encore un aperçu unique de la manière dont ces technologies de pointe transformeront les soins aux patients et le développement de nouveaux médicaments. Malgré le climat d’innovation élevé, la mise en oeuvre en Belgique est retardée. Cette année encore, SFH a pour objectif d’exposer les points faibles des technologies de transformation. En réunissant et en connectant les acteurs belges, nous pouvons accélérer la mise en oeuvre.