Nicolas BODART

The eSPRiDIAG project, led by a consortium including D-tek, IOL, Multitel, and Materia Nova, aims to develop a fully automated optical detection platform designed for both autoimmune disease diagnostics and research applications.
Specialised consumables, in the form of multiplexed test cassettes (seven different types, depending on the disease being investigated), will enable the detection of up to 70 different autoimmune biomarkers in total or 72 analytes within a single cassette for the research market. This will be particularly useful for new biomarker discovery and for other companies active in human, veterinary, or environmental diagnostics.
This innovative platform, based on surface plasmon resonance technology, offers significant advantages in terms of the number of analytes detectable, speed of results, quantification accuracy, and overall detection performance. It also boasts a low environmental footprint and a highly competitive price compared to existing solutions.
Beyond the direct benefits for the consortium’s companies and research centres, the platform will have a positive impact on the regional economy, through subcontracted production activities (Everdeen, Ionics) and by making the platform available to other diagnostic players in Wallonia.
The project is also expected to generate national and international reach, thanks to a global network of over 50 distributors.
Project co-led by the MecaTech and BioWin clusters.
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