Gregory Nolens

The BoneRec project aims to develop a new tissue-engineered product indicated for bone reconstruction. This ideal bone graft substitute will be biomechanically stable, resorbable and will have osteoconductive, osteogenic and osteoinductive properties. The biomechanical property will be provided by Cerhum’s ceramic graft (coordinating company of the project) and the osteoconductive, osteogenic and osteoinductive properties will be achieved by Bone Therapeutics’ ALLOB product. This customized combination will provide a better environment for bone regeneration: cell recruitment, colonization, mineralization and revascularization of the biocompatible patch will be promoted, in order to maximize the chances of repair and healing time. The 3D design of the implant will be provided by 3D-Side. The industrial partners of this project are associated with the academic units mSKIL (musculoSKeletal Innovative research Lab) of the University of Liège and NMSK (Neuro Musculo Skeletal Lab) of the Catholic University of Louvain. The first therapeutic objective of the project is to provide a new bone reconstruction solution in the treatment of pseudoarthrosis in adults.
The project started on October 1, 2020.
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