Tools and methods towards the exploitation of a cyclotron-based hadrontherapy facility
Hadrontherapy aims at treating cancers by irradiating tumor cells with protons or light ions (carbon), offering increased precision and significant biological gain on specific tumor cases. IBA is designing a new machine capable of treating patients with protons and carbon ions. This technical program must be completed by tools needed to compute the treatment parameters, and to perform quality checks before delivering the radiation to the patients. The contributions brought through WinTPS include: • The development of an absolute dosimeter, to be used as a primary reference for the conventional dosimetry tools to be used on any hadrontherapy centre. • Methodological support to guarantee that the treatment planning software (developed by IBA in collaboration with Italian research labs) rely on a robust architecture and follow the appropriate quality standards; • Radiobiology experiments that will accumulate sets of measured data to benchmark the radiobiological models implemented in the planning software; • The development of an optimization library based on powerful algorithms, that will speed up the computation of treatment plans and enhance their intrinsic qualities and matching with equipment parameters.
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